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Overcomers Vision 2025

It is our vision to be a place where the abandoned, the hopeless, the frustrated, the depressed, the rejected, the confused and needy can find love, joy, peace, hope, acceptance and forgiveness. We want to give you that welcome smile and warm embrace you never got.

It is our vision to share the good news of Jesus Christ with the 5 million people resident in Ireland.

It is our vision to have a property that will include a 6000 sitting capacity auditorium for worship, classrooms for Bible school and a modern well equipped Bookshop.

It is our vision to have a Pre-school and Day-care centre as well as a Nursery and Primary school.

It is our vision to have churches in cities that will take the Good news to remote villages in a programme called Mission to Villages worldwide.

It is our vision to have modern and well equipped primary and secondary schools in Africa and Asia with 50% of its students on free education.

It is our vision to have 20 satellite branches of the church in Ireland.

It is our vision to reach 100 nations of the world with the message of Hope and Holiness through radio and television thereby touching the lives of millions.

It is our vision to win back thousands of souls yearly to God’s kingdom and raising disciples in thousands for the Great Commission.

It is our vision to build orphanage homes.